Archives for June 2009

Google Hosted App Wish – Phone Number Notes

When I type in a phone number, I like to know a little bit of info around that number. Might be an extension, a cell number, a spouse number, notes to call within time zones, etc.

Google mail has contacts, and each contact can have as many numbers as you like. Each number also has a Type list, but their fixed. Even if this was limited to 15-20 chars, it would be enough space for my notes.

As it is now, these notes get appended to the phone number. When syncing across devices, the phone number gets garbled, and is no longer recognized as a phone number.

It’s really not to much to ask, and I think every Google Mail / Contacts user on the planet could benefit from this.

Here is a mock – red square == what I’ve added.


404 Widget Version

Tonight I found a minor bug that could potentially not allow the ScottCate.Graffiti.404 Widget to update, if the "Clear 404 Stats" Checkbox was not checked.

So, I fixed it, and update the version to

This is a minor minor update, and doesn’t change the collection of 404’s, just the ability to clear them, and change the minimum number of hits counter.

Here is a direct download link.

If you are new to the 404Manager, read about it here and here.

404 Widget Version /

After a bunch of requests, this morning I upgraded my Graffiti 404 Widget, to offer the ability to clear your 404 statistics. After all, if you found a 404 with this utility, then fixed it, it sucks to see it staring back at you forever.

Now the widget (as pictured below) has a "Clear on Update" check box. Simple open the 404 widget, check this box, hit save, and your 404’s are cleared.

Scott Cate 404, Version Widget Image

Here is a direct download link (Assemblies are version

If you’re running GrafittiCMS and this is new to you, make sure you read my original post on the Graffiti 404 Widget.


[UPDATE] June 10th, 9:20pm

Version is now released, which has a working remove 404 version, that also clears the 404 cache.

As a side effect, I had to write a cache viewer, so I could inspect the cache keys. So if you install this, you’ll see a new widget named "ScottCate Graffiti Cache Viewer". I’m not sure if this will be helpful to anyone, but … it was helpful for me, so instead of deleting it, I just left it in.
