TechEd Dev315 VSTricks – Multiple Monitor Support

Visual Studio Support Multiple Monitors? This video shows you how. Peel out windows, like the Solution Explorer, dock them to you second monitor, and the best part is, the window position persists across VS2010 restarts. Very Nice! Check out the video – it’s only 3 Minutes.

TechEd DEV315 VSTricks – Outlining

Outlining is that little [PLUS] or [MINUS] sign in the left gutter of Visual studio. You see these around the manual regions that you create – and around natural code blocks like classes, methods, etc. New in Visual Studio 2010 is the ability to create Ad-hoc regions, without the #region command. It’s rather nice, because it doesn’t change the source code for others, it’s your own private little “hide this code” trick :). This short 4 minute video gives you a great introduction.

TechEd DEV315 VSTricks – Navigation

In the real world, or Visual Studio solutions are big. Multi Projects. Lots of Code. Lots of Files, Classes, etc. This new #VS2010 feature may be the most friendly new feature, and the largest time saving feature you learn. Better, Faster Navigation. Have something in your head you want to get? A File? A Method? Some Class somewhere? This Navigation video tells all. Check it out!

TechEd 2010 Visual Studio Tips and Tricks

Over the last 24 months or so, I have joined a small group of folks who are passionate about sharing Visual Studio Tips and Tricks. I have now done talks, books, blogs, vlogs and classes around the world on better using Visual Studio. This year for TechEd North America I have done something special. I decided to pre-record and video blog my talk demos, slide by slide. And I’ll be releasing these series over the next week. So when my TechEd talk starts, all of the content will be online. Below is a list of the slides, and as I publish the video segment, I’ll move the slide above the “To be Published” double red line. Enjoy!

You can see the links in the slides – but they will not be made available until the video is released.


TechEd Video Parts (Click PPT Slide For Video)












TechEd Video Blogs to be Rendered / Published








#80 Stop a “Find in Files” Search

Press the keyboard chord [ALT]+[F3],[S] (bound to Edit.StopSearch) to stop a background search, also known as a Find in Files. You can also press the Stops a background Find toolbar button on the Find Results window.

This worked fine in my test with VS2008, but isn’t working on my tests with VS2010. If/When I find an answer I’ll update the post and the video with my findings.