#61 Presenters Must Read .. Increase the Editor Tooltip Font Size

If you’re presenting Visual Studio on a projector, one of the first things you probably do is downsize to 1024X768, and edit your font size to be larger so the people in the back can read your screen. BUT … most presenters forget to also change the Tooltip font size. Did you know that could be done? This video shows you how.

Go to Tools – Options – Environment – Fonts and Colors, and under Show Settings For select Editor Tooltip.  Then you can customize the font and font size.

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#60 All and Common tabs on Intellisense (VB Only)

Once statement completion is up in Visual Basic context (sorry C-Sharpers) there is a tabbed view of options. One tab is Common (the default) and one tab is (ALL). You can switch between these tab from teh Keyboard – and this video quickly shows you how.

Press [ALT]+[.] to move to the All tab

Press [ALT]+[,] to move back to the Common tab

#59 Resize the Statement Completion Window

You can resize the statement completion dialog box from any direction, once it’s open, grab a side or a corner.

Interestingly, there are max and min heights (max is limited to 1/3 of screen size) and while there are no limits on the max width, only the height is persisted.

#58 How to increase the statement completion font size

Go to Tools – Options – Fonts and Colors. This is where you’re used to changing the font size, especially those of us that present with Visual Studio on a projector. When you change the editor font size to 20 for the audience to be able to read it, only the editor changes. This video will show you how to increase the font size on the Intellisence window that pops up for statement complete.

#55 Navigate Bookmark folders in the Bookmark Window

If you’re crazy about dropping bookmarks in your project, then you’ll love this ability to manage them. There’s a Bookmark Tool Window (or Panel) that allows you to organize and arrange your bookmarks. You can create one or many folders with name, and then jump between bookmarks just in that folder. Once you’ve organized your bookmarks, you can use similar bookmark navigation keyboard shortcuts to navigate within the folder by adding the Shift button to the chord. 

[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[K], [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[P] to move to the previous bookmark in the folder.

[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[K], [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[N] to move to the next bookmark in the folder.

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