Middle Button support in Visual Studio. What does it so? Watch this …
Middle Button support in Visual Studio. What does it so? Watch this …
Do the horizontal and|or vertical scroll bars drive you nuts? Are they in the way? Taking up to much space? None of the above? All of the above? If you have ever had the need to make them dissapear this video trick #38 shows you how.
Visual Studio defaults to a tabbed interface. But you can also run Visual Studio as a MDI (Multiple Document Interface). This option let’s you acutally have windows inside your workspace, instead of only tabbed documents. This video shows you all about it.
On the topic of outlining, there is a tiny sliver of space taken up in your left margin to show the outlining. This video shows you how to turn that on or off. Personally I don’t see a reason to turn it off – BUT – I’m sure there is one. LIke maybe certain editor types need to disable it and it made it’s may into the option. Who knows? Do you? Leave comments.
Onlining,Onlining,Onlining. You know the little [+] in the left margin of your code in Visual Studio? That is called outlining, and if you click the [+] your code region will expand, and the icon changes to a [-]. Pretty straight forward. But did you know you can do all of this from the keyboard, without using the mouse? Check out video trick number #35 to see how it all works.
[CTRL][M]+[CTRL][M] Toggle Expand|Collapse region section
[CTRL][M]+[CTRL][L] Toggle Expand|Collapse document
[CTRL][M]+[CTRL][P] Turn off outlining
[CTRL][M]+[CTRL][O] Toggle Expand|Collapse to definition
I am a self proclaimed computer nerd, having spent most of my life developing software. I'm passionate about teaching (but not exclusively) developers in the world of cloud computing.
I have also been deeply involved with local, regional, and global developer relations communities. Working with many cloud technologies, I currently hold several Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud certifications.
Hobbies: Programming. Problem Solving. Learning. SCUBA. Audio + Video Production. Live Streaming. Eating. Travel Geek.