#020 Create New Line; Above and Below your Current Line

Need a new line above what your currently typing? Imagine this walk through. [HOME],[ENTER],[UP]. Three keys to get a new line. There is a shortcut reducing this to two keys. This quick trick shows you two keyboard shortcuts to enter line lines, one … [Continue reading]

#018 Format Document, and Format Selection

Visual studio wants you to be happy :) If you like breaks before braces, and after; if you like self closing <br /> tags, if you don’t want self closing <br /> tags. Whatever your fancy, you can automatically have Visual Studio apply with … [Continue reading]

#017 Keyboard Shortcut to Comment and Uncomment Code

Commenting code is great. We all do it, all day long. Commonly I’ll see the following done to comment multiple lines of C# code. [HOME],[/],[/],[UP],[HOME],<Repeat /> This just takes too long. It’s too many keystrokes. This Quick 2 minute … [Continue reading]

#019 Convert White Space; Spaces to Tabs; Tabs to Spaces.

Have you ever opened someone else’s source code (maybe an open source, code sample, or even other team mate) and the code just isn’t aligned? This can happen because of spaces and tabs. By default, Visual Studio shows a tab as four spaces. So without … [Continue reading]

#016 Understanding and Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

Visual Studio has a ton of Keyboard shortcuts built in. In fact, there are HUGE PDF Prints available for VS2005 C# and Visual Basic, as well as VS2008 C# and VS2008 Visual Basic. If you want to change or add to the current keyboard shortcuts, this … [Continue reading]