#78 Customize Find in files, Location and Search Type

With the Find in Files window showing, you can change the Look In: combo box to anything except for open docs and current docs.  This will enable the Look at these file types: option to select what files to search for. And for more advanced … [Continue reading]

#77 Use Visual Studio to Find in Files – Any disk location

And yet another way of searching code (or any text really) in Visual Studio... it's called Find in Files.  It is the most comprehensive way to do a search. Even if you’re not looking for code, this can search any text string, in any set of files. … [Continue reading]

#76 Dock the Find and Replace window

The Find and Replace window is not a dialog, but actually a tool window.  Thus you can dock it to the side if you find it in your way. Right-click on the tool window Titlebar and select Dockable.  Now the tool window can be docked using a docking … [Continue reading]

#75 Use wildcards and regular expressions while searching

Did you know that you can search in Visual Studio using wildcards and regular expressions (in addition to the regular text search) right from the Find and Replace window? This short tip/trick video shows you how. Expand the Find options, and check … [Continue reading]

Preparing for Microsoft TechEd New Orleans 2010

I’m grateful to have been selected as a speaker to this years Microsoft TechEd North America. I know there are 1000’s of qualified speakers and I’m honored to have had high enough scores in TechEd’s past to be invited back. … [Continue reading]