#66 Using Quick find in the Current Document

The standard keyboard shortcut for finding text in most applications is CTRL+F. In Visual Studio, this kicks off a Quick Find in the current document. Quick Find will pre-populate the find what text with whatever text is selected in the editor or the word that the cursor is currently on.

Additionally, this find and replace window is actually a tool window (not a dialog), meaning that you can dock it somewhere and type in the editor with it opened.

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#65 Edit.WordComplete via Intellisense

Whenever you can invoke statement completion, you can also execute the Edit.CompleteWord command.  This command will complete a word that is partially complete with no other possibilities.  And if there are other multiple possibilities, the command will invoke statement completion.

[CTRL]+[Space] or [ALT]+[RIGHT]

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#64 Keyboard Shortcut to Display Quick Info Tooltip

As you mouse over a method in the Editor, a nice tooltip (as seen in the image below) is displayed for you showing you general information about the method, parameters, overloads, possible exceptions, and other documentation pulled from the meta data about the method (including your custom comments/documentation). This video shows you how to enable the tooltip, without having to leave the keyboard.

[CTRL]+[K]+[I] Invoke Quick Info.  The command is Edit.QuickInfo, in case your keybindings are different.


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#63 Copy Paste Parameter Info from the Tooltip

Intellisence is great. It shows us a lot, and mostly at the perfect time. When parameter info is being displayed in a tooltip, did you know you can copy or paste this information? This video trick shows you how.

[CTRL]+[ALT]+[SHIFT]+[P] Paste the default parameter names directly into the function.

[CTRL]+[ALT]+[SHIFT]+[C] Copy the info for some other line (see the commented line in the picture.  Copying the parameter info will put the function name and all parameter information onto the clipboard.)


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#62 Display parameter info for a function

Intellisense is great – probably the greatest thing ever invented to help developers productivity. But ListMembers isn’t always what you want. If you have CTRL+Space embedded in your brain telling Visual Studio to “Show my what I can put here” you’re getting a ListMembers popup. What you sometimes want is a ListParameters Tooltip, and this video shows you how.

Press Ctrl+Shift+Space to display the parameter info.  The command is Edit.ParameterInfo, in case you need to check the keybindings. To iterate through the possible parameters, press the down arrow to go to the next and up arrow to go to the previous.


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