Ever see a random printed page of source code and wonder where it came from? Print the file name in the header to eliminate this from ever happening to you. This video shows you where to setup Visual Studio to print the header. … [Continue reading]
#028 Setup Printer to print WYSIWYG from the Visual Studio Editor
By default printed source code is Courier 10pt. If you want, you can change this to match the editor fonts, or even do something that is unique to the printer. This video shows you how. … [Continue reading]
#027 Print line number from Visual Studio
Do you ever have to print your source code? If you do, and then hand that source code out at a meeting, or leave it with someone, it is **MUCH** nicer to have line numbers printed for reference. This video shows you how to accomplish line numbers on … [Continue reading]
#026 Show Line numbers in Visual Studio
Working with a colleague? Doing a screen share? Have Visual Studio running on a projector? Get an error message that contains a line number? All these situations make your life tough if you have to watch the status bar to check your line numbers. … [Continue reading]
#025 Increase and Decrease line indentation in Visual Studio
Tabbing / Indenting / Undenting (okay that’s not a word, but it sounds good) in Visual Studio is very simple. There are several options to get your code formatted just the way you like it. This video trick shows you how. [TAB] (With a line [or … [Continue reading]