What if you lose your Kindle?

KindleNumbersPhotoI was on a plane yesterday reading my Kindle, and the guy next to me says something like “I used to have a Kindle, but I left it on a plane”, while he was pointing to the Seat-Back Pocket. And another time this week, I saw something on TV about the volunteer staff that work at airports, that have thousands and thousands of found items, that they simply can’t return. Not that they don’t want to, there is just no way to, because there is no Personally Identifiable Information ( also known as P.I.I. ) on them.

Then I started thinking, what if I left my Kindle behind, how would someone return it, assuming that they wanted to? Sharpie? Maybe. Here is a better option. Shown below is the Amazon “Manage Your Devices” screen shot, where you’re allowed to name your Kindle Device. As you can see on the right, I have named Jamie and My Kindles, with both our name, and our Cell phone number, so if someone turns it on, they’ll see the P.I.I. where hopefully they’ll return it.

I thought this was a good enough idea to write about, and hopefully let others know!


Deactivate the Power Button on your Laptop

MacBookAirPowerButtonAs you see pictured here, the MacBook Air power button is just above the Delete (which really is backspace) button on the MacBook Air keyboard. If you’ve ever seen me type, you know I use the backspace key a lot! Once I accidentally pressed the power button, which wasn’t too painful as it put my machine into Sleep mode. I just closed the lid, opened it again, logged in, and it came back to life.

But then I thought …. What if I was on stage? …. and I had a moment of silence. how bad would that be, and how awkward would it be to explain to the audience what just happened?

So I jumped into power settings, and set the Power button to do nothing. If you’re a presenter, using MacBook hardware, you might consider doing the same? This may be a good idea, no matter what laptop you’re using. To be honest, I 99.9999% of the time, just close the lid, and when I do need to shut down, I do it from the Start Menu anyway. So the button is only representing danger to me.

#Disable #Disable #Disable



A good book gets borrowed: Version Control By Example

Eric Sink (@eric_sink on twitter) has written a great book on Version Control Software, titled Version Control By Example. It showed up on my desk again this morning. I say again, because I keep letting people borrow it, and they keep returning it 🙂 I figured with it’s popularity, I could record a quick video book review, and post it. So here it is.

Great job Eric, it’s a great book. Easy ready, very informative, and sometimes funny (if you can be funny in a DVCS book?).

AZ Entrepreneurship Conference 2011

2010 was a great building year for EventDay.com. One of our great moments came when we donated services to help the Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference. Here is a quick video post, talking about 2010, and trying the help push registration for the 2011 event.


Windows 8 Fast Application Switching

If you don’t have a keyboard available on your Windows 8 machine (like my Samgsung Slate when it’s not docked) you will benefit from this trick.

If you have several (or lots of) applications open, a fast way to switch between them is to swipe in from the left, one-by-one until the application on your back stack surfaces. You can also press the START button and from the start screen, launch the application again. If it’s already in the back stack, the application will start with the same state (or at least it should if it’s programmed correctly).

Or you can …. Control the swipe from left action, and control the specific application you want to bring forward. The video/screen cast was done holding my Samsung Focus running Windows Phone 7, so it’s a little shaky, but you’ll get the point.
