Azure Boot Camp Trip Report–Feb 5, 2010

This past week, I hosted another bootcamp @Gangplank in Chandler, AZ. This was done in conjunction with, our local Microsoft Evangelist Michael Palermo( @Palermo4 ) and a few rock solid guys in the community. Namely, Andre Wilson (@awilsong), and Chris Coneybeer (@coneybeer).

We had 31 people in attendance, who all left happy, and more knolwedgebale about azure.

Goal.Accomplished = True;

We ran the full day event in two halves, first half Learn, second half Do. The “Do” part was made possible by the Azure Bootcamp team, supplying us with 30 day free/trial Azure accounts. These were pre-provisioned Azure accounts that were associated with LiveIDs. Ready to log into and start using. Andrew started with a Basic intro to what is Azure, then @coneybeer did a bit on Azure storage (table, sql, blob, and queue), and Andrew finished up the learning section with Deployment.

The second half of the day was spent building a project that was a basic shopping cart. One team built the order entry system, and posted orders to an Azure queue. The other team monitored the Azure queue, and processed the order. Pretty simple, and we finished the day with an ordering system that was pretty cool. I hosted the code in my Team System TFS account. This made it easy for the two teams to work on the same project.

In wrapping up with @coneybeer and @awilsong, we chatted about a better way for next time. Like life, things evolve, and sometimes you don’t know the best way, until you’ve done it once or twice. Remember the first half of the day was Learn? We had labs for people to do, and everyone finished the labs. So our “better idea for next time” is to build the labs, so they support the beginnings of the project that will be used/built later.

So in stead of the labs being throw away learning, they would actually be the foundation of the application that would later be built. This is slightly different than the Windows Phone 7 bootcamp we did where we had a contest for users/teams to build a better application than everyone else.

I like the one big project as a team better, and the idea that it’s all in my TFS (on DiscountASP.NET) means that the learning / project doesn’t have to stop at the end of the day.

Hey @coneybeer and @awilsong THANK YOU for providing the content, funding, and general fun.

Hey @Palermo4 THANK YOU for the funding you provided from Microsoft for Food and Beverages.

Hey @Gangplank THANK YOU for the facility.



Best customer service EVER– for the win. I don’t have a ton of time – so this will be short.

I sent a thank you gift to some friends, but I used an old (wrong) address. The people who live there now, called and told about the mistake. Berries (Called Shari’s Berries online) called me and left a very nice voice mail. I got the new address, called back to customer service, and there are replacing my order, to the new address no charge.

Within 10 minutes of hanging up, I rec’d a FedEx notification, and the Berries gift will be delivered overnight, tomorrow.



If you have a gift for someone, please consider using to send it. I think they’re somehow part of a much larger company, but who cares. With this kind of service, it doesn’t make sense to use anyone else.

Thank you – best of luck to you and your business.

Aptera Disappoints Me

ApteraAptera Motors promises to be an amazing vehicle. I’ve been wanting one since I first heard about it from my buddy Lorin, back in the day. In fact, I wanted one so bad, that I put in the $500 deposit. Not a lot of scratch and it get’s me on the list. How cool will it be to someday (maybe??) have one of these to drive around?

The Aptera messaging is filled with “We listen to our customers?” and “We will build what they want” and “We’re trying our hardest”. I’m here to tell you different. As of this writing, I have been 100% left in the dark to what’s going on as an Aptera Pre-order(er?). I get a newsletter. That’s it. And that’s only because I signed up for the newsletter on the website, the same as anyone else can do. I’m not looking for insider information, just something that keeps me informed.

Since I placed my deposit many years ago, I haven’t heard anything. Not a “Thank you for your interest”, Not a “We hope to have cars before 2015”, not a “You’re still on the list”, nothing.  Actually, that’s not true – I did once get an email that said (paraphrase) “Double your deposit to show us your serious and lock in ……{something}”.

I’ve contacted their customer service, and twitter team, and both times I’ve been given the run around, trying to get this answer. Here is what I want to know Aptera.

Am I still on the list?

I’m just an investor, and to be honest, maybe I’m not even that. I’m guessing my little (tiny) dollars are in some escrow account safe and sound for a someday/maybe when the Aptera is released. I have to think that Aptera values it’s depositors, but so far there is no proof of that. How can a company take what is essentially a Pre-Order customer, and ignore them? More than ignore, actually avoid, those customers?

I’m not sure I have any belief that this company will ever listen to, or be helpful to it’s customers. While I really want this cool looking car, and I don’t have any worries about it’s safety, I do seriously consider the service/repair end of the game with as much as I have been ignored.

RedBox vs. Blockbuster for Kiosk Movie Rentals

Talk about black and white, night and day, easy and hard, great service and poor service, evangelize and despise.

All opposites – This is my opinion of RedBox and Blockbuster.

You may have read about my frustrations with Blockbuster last week. While Blockbuster continues to do everything possible to lie mislead their customers, RedBox is a breath of fresh air.

Jamie and I (again) wanted to watch a movie that isn’t available on Netflix via streaming, or NetFlix DVD. I’m not sure how or why, but RedBox and Blockbuster get movies before Netflix. So we decided to try RedBox. I setup a RedBox account online, registered a Visa card, and within two or three minutes, I had a movie reserved at a convenience store around the corner.

1 Touch service. literally, 1 TOUCH. Here is how RedBox worked for me. I walk up, the screen has 3 choices. Rent, Return, and Pickup Reserved. I touch Pickup Reserved, and the screen says, slide your credit card. So I did, and in about 15 seconds, out popped Social Network – the move we had reserved.

Perfect. Fast, Simple, and met all my expectations. After we watched the movie, I put it back in my car, so I could return it sometime today (we watched the movie last night). This morning while running to the store for groceries, I saw a RedBox – and dropped it off. You can return a RedBox movie rental to any RedBox, it doesn’t have to be the one you originally received the movie from.

That’s another thing I always hated about Blockbuster stores, you had to return the movie rental to the exact store you rented it from. Just another way Blockbuster sticks it to their customers. in the end I think Blockbuster was in the Late Fee business from the beginning. Doing everything possible to inconvenience their customers.

While RedBox and Netflix are 100% the opposite.

Anyway – thank you RedBox for giving me the “I want a movie right now” solution – and helping me never, ever, ever, under any circumstance give money to Blockbuster.

Live Mesh or Dropbox–which one?

So you have these things called files on your computer, right? They are precious to you. You spent hours, days, months, or maybe years to create them. Maybe it’s a Quickbook file. Maybe it’s a photo that only took a second to create – but the memory is priceless. Maybe it’s a Word doc of a Novel you’ve been working on for years.

These files make your computer yours. Face it, the computer is some brainless piece of mechanics with a fan that makes noise. It’s nothing without you. Better said, it’s nothing without your files. So these files are important to you right?

What if right now, while you were at work, or your neighbors house, or at the grocery store, your computer disappears? Literally Disappears. It’s stolen. Or it melts in a fire.

What happened to all those files? Your life on that computer. Can you rewrite that novel? Maybe. Can you get back the pictures? No.

So what are your options? The only option is duplication. The files you created and love have to be stored in multiple places. This is called a backup. What if you could store all your files in three places? Four places? Five places? How many places are should your files be located before they are safe? The answer is …. a 3rd party service online. Someplace safe, that you trust, will keep your files in multiple locations for you. Wait – that’s weird. Some other computer keeps your files in multiple places? Well – not locations, but hard drives. That’s what these online backup and sync services do for you. Again the idea is that if one place replaces, crashes, deletes, or modifies your files,  the other file is still safe, so you’re ok.

There are dozens of companies online that will do this for you. Some free – some expensive – and some in the middle.

After looking at several choices – here are the two I tried. Microsoft Live Mesh, and Dropbox.

The reason that I chose these two services is because they both allow you to share files from one computer to another. You are essentially your own backup – with all your files on both computers. This is great if you have multiple computers. One of home, and one at work. Your computer, and your spouse computer. BUT … (here is the good part) … instead of your file just bring on your multiple computers – there are safely stored online. And because these are online, you have the option to securely bring those files down to your computer. Imagine it’s every 3 years, and you have a new computer. Click click click, and all your files are brought down from online – and added (or synchronized) and just available on your new computer. Nice thought huh?

I started with Microsoft Mesh, while it was in Beta. It was working, but then when Mesh came out of beta into a released product, It was renamed from Mesh, to Live Mesh. Then new service (Live Mesh) wasn’t compatible with the Beta version, so it forced me to setup a new account, and start all over with Mesh. Instead of starting over again with Mesh, I decided to try DropBox. DropBox is essentially the same service as Mesh, with a few differences. First, is free storage space. Live Mesh is 5Gig, and as far as I know, that can’t even be upgraded. Dropbox gives you 2gig free to start. Second, DropBox keeps past file versions.

Versions? What are versions? Say you create and save a file. That’s version 1. Then you open it, make some changes, and save it again. This is version 2. Version 3, Version 4, etc. These are versions, and DropBox keeps track of them for you. The best part is, that this is automatic.

After you download and install DropBox, you get a little blue box in the task tray of your computer (down there by your date and time). You setup a dropbox directly, and anything you put in that directory, it syncs up to DropBox. Here is where it get’s good. Install DropBox on a second computer and login with your same username and password, and all the files can be kept in sync on both computers.

DropBox gives you 2 Gigabytes of storage for free, and an option to pay and get up to 50Gig or 100Gig. In the future I’m sure they will offer larger accounts.

My recommendation: Download and install DropBox.

Full Disclosure: If you use the link on this page to setup your DropBox account, I will be rewarded with 250meg of extra storage as a referral fee, and instead of the normal 2gig free account, your account will start with an extra 250 Meg as well.

Thank you!