Feedback on AZGroups Feedback Form

Next Monday is the 7th Annual day of .net with Scott Guthrie. I’ve been doing this event for many years and this year (for the first time) I’ll be asking for a feedback / eval form to be turned in at the end of the day. In true community fashion, I would like to ask your feedback on my feedback form.

Please be constructive. I know that filling out forms seems silly on a one-by-one basis, but collectively the stats can really help, and I will personally read and evaluate each form, so it’s a great way to give each person their own voice.

I’ve put hundreds of hours into getting this event off the ground, with the venue, sponsors, give-a-ways, etc. So to make it better next year, this is the form I’ve put together.

Am I missing anything? Should I add or remove anything? Please leave comments below.

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!


Voicemail Codes to Remember for ATT Phone Users

If you have AT&T – but use another voice mail server like Google Voice, here are some codes that are useful to know. Actually these codes are useful to know, even if you use the default voice mail, because you can do things like set the amount of time your phone rings, before your voice mail picks up.

*004* is a command that is used to set Forwarding, Busy, and No Answer, all at once. It defaults to 10 seconds. (The 10 seconds is a guesstimate – but I think it’s correct). Here is the pattern to use for *004* command. Replace the 4445551212 with the actually number you want to send your calls to.

*004*14445551212*11# (Then press Talk or Send)

The destination number, will not always be your own google voice number. Log into Google Voice (Phones) and check the activation settings.

You can also, individually send commands for forwarding, busy, and no answer transfer. This is also cool, you can ask your phone to send you the status of each of these, so if you’re not sure of your current status, there are commands for that as well.

Command: Forward all calls. This might be useful if you are switching phone numbers (maybe to a new carrier??) This option forwards all calls, without even ringing your phone – just a straight up forward. I don’t have a clear answer on this – I’ve asked several agents – and it depends on who you ask – you get a different answer. The question is about billing. Do you get charged minutes against your plan, for forwarded calls? Say you have forwarding on to your home. You cell phone is off. Someone calls your cell phone, which forwards to your home. You talk for 60 minutes. Does the 60 minutes get deducted from your calling plan? My thought is … No you don’t. But … be careful, because I’m not sure, and neither are the AT&T representatives.

Turn Off all Call Forwarding: #002# (Then press Talk or Send)
Forward All Calls command prefix: *21*
Activate: *21*14445551212*11# (Then press Talk or Send)
Cancel & Retain: *21*11# (Then press Talk or Send) this option remembers the number, but disables forwarding
Re-establish: *21*11# (Then press Talk or Send) this option engages forwarding to the last number (notice this is just a toggle command
Cancel & Forget: ##21*11# (Then press Talk or Send) Disable forwarding, and forget the last number used to forward
Status: *#21*11# (Then press Talk or Send) this sends you back status of your forwarding number

If Busy:
Turn OFF If Busy Call Forwarding: #67# (Then press Talk or Send)
Activate: *67*14445551212*11#
Cancel & Retain: #67*11#
Re-establish: *67*11#
Cancel & Forget: ##67*11#
Status: *#67*11#

if no answer: Ring for 15 (see the 15 at the end of the activate command) seconds, and then forwards to destination number.
Turn OFF No Answer Call Forwarding: #61# (Then press Talk or Send)
Activate: *61*14445551212*11*15#
Cancel & Retain: #61*11#
Re-establish: *61*11#
Cancel & Forget: ##61*11#
Status: *#61*11#

If Unreachable: (When you phone is off, or out of a service area)
Turn Off Unreachable Call Forwarding: #62# (Then press Talk or Send)
Activate: *62*14445551212*11#
Cancel & Retain: #62*11#
Re-establish: *62*11#
Cancel & Forget: ##62*11#
Status: *#62*11#

#70 Ctrl+F3 Auto Search Currently Selected String

Just select some text (or just have the cursor on the word you wish to search for) and press [CTRL]+[F3][CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[F3] will do a reverse search to find previous.

Note that a [CTRL]+[F3] search uses the following options: 

  • Is case sensitive
  • Searches hidden text
  • Allows for partial matching
  • Does not use regular expressions

#8 Windows 7 Search and Filter (With Video)

Vista and Windows 7 offer a filtering mechanism that helps you get where you going, or find what you’re looking for a little faster. This search box (sometimes called filter box) is commonly found in the top right corner of the window you’re working in. Click, Type, Go. And the best part is … it really works. Helping you find what you’re looking for.

This video tip/trick not only shows you how this filter box works, but also let’s the secret keyboard shortcut out of the bag. How do you access the search box from the Keyboard? I can’t guarantee that this works in all windows, of all programs, but [CTRL][E] usually does the trick.

Enjoy the Show!

Windows 7 Search & Filter

#69 F3 Repeats last Search, Shift-F3 is Find Previous

After you search and find an item, [F3] will search and find the same item again. [SHIFT]-[F3] will find the same item, but will look behind your current cursor position. Obviously, you can also press the Find Next button on the Find and Replace window, if it’s open.

One thing to note about [F3], is that like all searches, it will obey the rules you’ve setup on the [CTRL]-[F] find dialog (even though it’s not open).