My children's bodies don't react well to mosquito bites :( Not that anyone does, but where I might get a bite/bump about the size of a pea, they might see a huge bump the size of a 50 cent piece for a number of days. Needless to say, when the … [Continue reading]
Microsoft OneDrive vs. DropBox
OneDrive from Microsoft wins over Drop Box, just because of it's "Make Available Online Only" feature. Drop box has this (sort of) with what they call Selective Sync. The problem with Selective Sync is ... it's folder based, and it's all or nothing. … [Continue reading]
Request ATT to Unlock your Phone

If your mobile provider is ATT, head on over to and request to unlock your phone. This process takes 3-5 days, so do it before you leave if you're heading international. If successful, you'll be able to buy any local … [Continue reading]
QRCode scanner in Windows Phone 8.1

Did you know there is a native QRCode scanner inside your Windows Phone? It's been moved around from Windows Phone (7,75,8) and in 8.1, it's now part of your camera, as a lens named Bing Vision. This quick screen cast shows you how / where to find … [Continue reading]
Windows Phone: Lost Screen App

You just realized you don't have your phone in your pocket or purse! #Panic! #Panic! You're also safety conscience, and you have a lock on your phone. Now all the good people of the world, have been limited on how they can return your phone. You're … [Continue reading]